Audit Tracker
Identify Fraud
Verify Account
External Confirmation is one of the smallest but the most important process to detect corporate fraud, if any. Infact, as per the Peer-review report for 2019-2020, SA:505 External Confirmation ranks 2nd highest non-compliant. This is where Firmway’s Audit Confirmation software completely takes care of all your compliance on a click.
To boost compliance amongst auditors and enrich them digitally, ICAI has a Special arrangement with Firmway to provide the Audit Confirmation software at a discounted rate.
Saves 100+ Man Hours per Audit
- Roll out confirmations on a click
- Send auto-follow ups to non-responders
- Reduces Audit cycle from 2 months to just 15 days
- Real time status tracking (Delivered, Failed, Read, Responded)
Double the Response Rate
- Express follow up of 5 reminders every 3 days
- Sends SMS to people not active on Email IDs
- Marks the confirmation to multiple people
- Auto escalations in case of non – responses
- Keep your clients in loop
- 3 click response for the confirmer

Double the Response Rate
- Express follow up of 5 reminders every 3 days
- Sends SMS to people not active on Email IDs
- Marks the confirmation to multiple people
- Auto escalations in case of non – responses
- Keep your clients in loop
- 3 click response for the confirmer

Boost Compliance
- Maintain independent control over the audit confirmation process
- Detailed audit trails available
- Simple OTP-based verification for the responses received
- Complete Documentation in a Zip
- Listed on ICAI CMP Benefits (